Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Oct 17, 2009

20th Century Notes

Piers Brendon reviews Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain for the Guardian, 17 October.

Alan Allport,"no peace on the home front," London's Times, 17 October, says there's a history of troubled return of British troops from the battlefield. Alan, our former colleague at Cliopatria, would know about that. Yale University Press publishes his Demobbed: Coming Home After the Second World War this month and he blogs about it here.

D. G. Myers,"The Never-Ending Journey," Commentary, October, reviews Edward Alexander's Lionel Trilling and Irving Howe: And Other Stories of Literary Friendship and Michael Kimmage's The Conservative Turn: Lionel Trilling, Whittaker Chambers, and the Lessons of Anti-Communism.

August Kleinzahler,"Monk's Moods," NYT, 15 October, reviews Robin D. G. Kelley's Theolonius Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original.

Hans-Ulrich Stoldt and Klaus Wiegrefe,"East German Jokes Collected by West German Spies," Der Spiegel, 14 October, asks"What would happen if the desert became communist?""Nothing for a while," comes the reply,"and then there would be a sand shortage."

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