Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Oct 21, 2009

More Noted Things

You can read, hear, and see the story at Sylvia Poggoli's"Greece Unveils Museum Meant For 'Stolen' Sculptures," NPR, 20 October.

Brett Foster,"Hurlyburly," Books & Culture, 19 October, reviews Arthur L. Schwartz's Vivat Rex! An Exhibition Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Accession of Henry VIII.

William J. Quirk,"Living on $500,000 a Year," American Scholar, Autumn, reports on what we know from F. Scott Fitzgerald's financial records.

Michael Korda,"Escape from Hungary," Daily Beast, 20 October, and Jonathan Yardley,"Behind the Iron Curtain," Washington Post, 18 October, review an immigrant's memoir of her family's experience, Kati Marton's Enemies of the People: My Family's Journey to America.

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