Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Oct 26, 2009

Weak Endnotes

Joy Connolly,"A City Unbottled," Nation, 21 October, reviews Mary Beard's The Fires of Vesuvius.

Roberta Smith,"Wise Warriors, Artfully Attired," NYT, 22 October, reviews"Art of the Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armor, 1156-1868," an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan.

John Matson,"Galileo's Contradiction: The Astronomer Who Riled the Inquisition Fathered 2 Nuns," Scientific American, 21 October, transcribes a conversation with Dava Sobel, the author of Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith and Love.

Jonathan Yardley,"Baseball's battered beginnings," Washington Post, 25 October, reviews Mika Vaccaro's The First Fall Classic.

Frank Bruni,"To Glamour Born," NYT, 22 October, reviews William J. Mann's How To Be A Movie Star: Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood.

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