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Oct 28, 2009

Midweek Notes

Cristina Odone reviews Diarmaid MacCulloch's A History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years for the Guardian, 25 October.

Edward Rothstein,"One Man's Crusade Against Slavery, Seen From Two Angles," NYT, 27 October, reviews"John Brown: The Abolitionist and His Legacy," an exhibit at the New York Historical Society in Manhattan, and"The Portent: John Brown's Raid in American Memory," an exhibit at the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond.

Adam Kirsch,"Deliberate Evil," Tablet, 27 October, and David Reiff,"The Willing Misinterpreter," National Interest, 27 October, review Daniel Goldhagen's Worse than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity.

Bruce Kuklick,"A Cold War Story," Books & Culture, November/ December, reviews Neil Sheehan's A Fiery Peace in a Cold War.

Finally, farewell to Bowling Green's Ray Browne, who pioneered in studies of American popular culture.

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