Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Nov 10, 2009

Things Noted Here & There

Over the weekend, The Root and Howard University's student newspaper, The Hilltop, reported a crisis at the University's Moorland-Spingarn Research Center. Its staffing had declined from 50 to 12 positions and, by the end of the semester, there would be no employees. Yesterday, Howard's administration said that there are no plans to close the MSRC, but there's every indication that one of the most important centers for research in African American history is in serious difficulty.

Evan R. Goldstein,"Isaiah Berlin, Beyond the Wit," CHE, 8 November, reviews Isaiah Berlin's Enlightening: Letters, 1946-1960.

Christine Stansell,"The Journey of the American Woman," Daily Beast, 10 November, reviews Gail Collins's When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present.

Terry Gross interviews Ken Auletta, the author of 'Googled': Biography Of A Company, And An Age, NPR, 2 November.

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