Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Nov 13, 2009

20th Century Notes

Terry Eagleton,"Waking the Dead," New Statesman, 12 November, is an essay occasioned by the republication of Eagleton's Walter Benjamin: or Towards a Revolutionary Criticism.

Bernard Porter,"Other People's Mail," LRB, 19 November, reviews Christopher Andrew's The Defence of the Realm: The Authorised History of MI5.

Walter Isaacson,"How Einstein Divided America's Jews," Atlantic, December, explores the reaction of prominent American Jews to Einstein's Zionism.

Adam Mars-Jones reviews Blake Bailey's Cheever: A Life for the Guardian, 8 November.

Dwight Garner,"Impresario of and for the People," NYT, 12 November, reviews Kenneth Turan's and Joseph Papp's Free for All: Joe Papp, the Public and the Greatest Theater Story Ever Told.

David Kaiser,"Physics and Pixie Dust," American Scientist, November/December, reviews Eugenie Samuel Reich's Plastic Fantastic: How the Biggest Fraud in Physics Shook the Scientific World.

Kishore Mabubani,"End of Whose History?" NYT, 11 November, revisits Fukuyama to reading that avoids Western triumphalism.

Farewell to Donald Harington, Arkansas novelist and art historian.

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