Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Nov 29, 2009

Additionally Noted

Nominations for the Cliopatria Awards, 2009, will close at midnight est on Monday 30 November. Additional nominations in all categories are welcome, but we particularly need nominations for Best Post. To refresh your memory, have a look at the monthly history carnivals and/or Cliopatria's History Blogroll.

Robert Darnton,"Google and the New Digital Future," NYRB, 17 December, looks at the future of digitized books.

Judith Shulevitz,"My True Story," NYT, 20 November, and Jonathan Yardley,"Shelve It Under Naval Gazing," Washington Post, 29 November, review Ben Yagoda's Memoir: A History.

Jill Lepore,"Boundless promise and grave peril," Washington Post, 29 November, reviews Gordon Wood's Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815.

Michael Dirda,"The unheroic genius behind the adventures of Tintin," Washington Post, 26 November, reviews Pierre Assouline's Hergé: The Man Who Created Tintin and Jean-Marie Apostolidès's The Metamorphoses of Tintin; or, Tintin for Adults.

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