Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Nov 30, 2009

20th Century Notes

Nominations for the Cliopatria Awards, 2009 close on Monday 30 November at midnight est. Additional nominations are welcome in all categories, but we especially need nominations for Best Post. To refresh your memory, have a look at the monthly history carnivals and/or Cliopatria's History Blogroll.

David L. Ulin reviews Eva Hoffman's Time for the LA Times, 22 November.

Erez Manela,"First in Peace," Boston Globe, 29 November, reviews John Milton Cooper's Woodrow Wilson: A Biography.

Jon Meacham,"How Heroic Was Churchill?" Slate, 29 November, reviews Paul Johnson's Churchill.

Scott Martelle reviews Terry Teachout's Pops: A Life of Louis Armstrong for the LA Times, 29 November.

Gordon Merino,"One Moment in Time," NYT, 27 November, reviews Richard Hoffer's Something in the Air: American Passion and Defiance in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.

Mike Leary,"Fall of the Wall, 1989: A brilliant account of a Europe transformed," Philadelphia Inquirer, 29 November, reviews Mary Elise Sarotte's 1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe. Thanks to Mary Dudziak.

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