Blogs > Cliopatria > Midweek Notes

Dec 16, 2009

Midweek Notes

Indian History Carnival #24 is up at varnam. The Giant's Shoulders #18, the history of science carnival, should be up later today at Jost A Mon.

Jamillah Knowles,"Time machines," BBC Radio 5 Live's Pods and Blogs, 15 December, links to its podcast about history blogging and bloggers. It includes my interview about Cliopatria and the Cliopatria Awards. Knowles also interviews Mike Duncan of The History of Rome, Rob Baker of Another Nickel in the Machine on 20th century London, and Trish Lewis of St. Vincent Memories on an old town in Minnesota's far northwest. Ms. Lewis also blogs at, ... ah ... , Victorian Sex Machines.

Adam Kirsch,"Dark Humor," Tablet, 15 December, reviews Adam Biro's Is It Good for the Jews?.

Justin Elliott,"The John Hope Franklin File: FBI Looked At Esteemed Historian For Communist Ties," TPM, 15 December, reports findings from Dr. Franklin's FBI file. Elliott posts selected documents from it here.

Dwight Garner,"Chinua Achebe's Encounters With Many Hearts of Darkness," NYT, 15 December, reviews Achebe's The Education of a British-Protected Child.

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