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Dec 18, 2009

British Notes & Randy Thoughts

Peter Linehan,"800 years on the Cam," TLS, 16 December, reviews Mary Beard's It's a Don's Life, G. R. Evans's The University of Cambridge: A new history, Alan Macfarlane's Reflections on Cambridge, and Peter Pagnamenta, ed., The University of Cambridge: An 800th anniversary portrait.

Janet Maslin,"Once More, Revisiting Anne Boleyn Yet Again," NYT, 16 December, reviews Alison Weir's The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn.

Stella Tillyard,"Georgian London," TLS, 9 December, reviews Dan Cruickshank's The Secret History of Georgian London, Rachel Stewart's The Townhouse in Georgian London, and Amanda Vickery's Behind Closed Doors: At home in Georgian England. Tillyard really ought to have tipped her reviewer's cap to Lucy Inglis's splendid blog, Georgian London.

Henry Power,"Samuel Johnson restored to his proper size and place," TLS, 16 December, reviews Sir John Hawkins's The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D., edited by O. M. Brack, Jr., and David Nokes's Samuel Johnson: A Life.

Ruth Guilding,"John Piper and Myfanwy Piper: art in an organic Utopia," TLS, 16 December, reviews Frances Spalding's John Piper and Myfanwy Piper: Lives in Art.

Scott McLemee,"And the Rand played on," The National, 17 December, reviews Jennifer Burns's Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right and Anne C. Heller's Ayn Rand and the World She Made.

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