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Dec 29, 2009

Modern History Notes

Tony Judt,"Night," NYRB, 14 January, is the first in a series of meditations composed as the European historian copes with ALS ("Lou Gehrig's disease"). He is now paralyzed from the neck down.

Patrick Healy,"Falling, Falling, Falling for the Footlight Parade," NYT, 28 December, reviews Ben Hodges, ed., The Play That Changed My Life: America's Foremost Playwrights on the Plays That Influenced Them.

Anthony Lane,"Hollywood Royalty," New Yorker, 4 January, reviews"Gli Anni di Grace Kelly, Principessa di Monaco," an exhibit at Rome's Fondazione Memmo, and Donald Spoto's High Society: The Life of Grace Kelly.

George Brock,"A reporter reflects," TLS, 22 December, reviews Timothy Garton Ash's Facts Are Subversive: Political writing from a decade without a name.

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