Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Jan 5, 2010

Things Noted Here & There

History's Louella Parsons, C. Vann Winchell, is predicting a"San Diego Tsunami" for the AHA convention later this week. That may be why none of my colleagues at Cliopatria will be there. I've asked Katrina Gulliver to announce the winners of the Cliopatria Awards at the San Diego gathering of twittering historians on Friday evening. The list of winners will appear simultaneously online here at Cliopatria.

Randall J. Stephens,"Teaching the Writing of History Roundtable in January Issue of Historically Speaking," THS Blog, 4 January, offers a foretaste of a roundtable on"How to Teach the Writing of History," Historically Speaking, January 2009. It features contributions by Stephen Pyne, Michael Kammen, Jill Lepore, and John Demos.

Namit Arora,"Early Islam," 3 Quarks Daily, 14 September - 4 January:
Part 1: The Rise of Islam / Part 2: The Golden Age of Islam
Part 3: The Path of Reason / Part 4: The Mystic Tide
Part 5: Epilogue

At"Free Thinkers," Tablet, 4 January, Sara Ivry interviews Michael Goldfarb, the author of Emancipation: How Liberating Europe's Jews from the Ghetto Led to Revolution and Renaissance.

Errol Morris, winner of the Cliopatria Award for Best Series of Posts in 2007, has a new two-part series on photography and war,"It Was All Started by a Mouse," Part 1 and Part 2, Opinionator, 3-4 January.

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