Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Jan 16, 2010

Weak Endnotes

"What We're Reading: 124th Annual Meeting Edition," AHA Today, 13 January, is a massive roundup of coverage of the AHA convention in San Diego.

Michael Dirda reviews Umberto Eco's The Infinity of Lists for the Washington Post, 14 January.

Scott McLemee,"History is the Devil's Scripture," Crooked Timber, 15 January, launches from Pat Robertson to C.L.R. James's The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution.

The new Common-Place, X, 2 (January, 2010), is up! It's an ante-bellum American feast.

Miles Corwin,"The Hack," CJR, January/February, sketches the early career of Gabriel García Márquez in journalism.

Isaac Chotiner,"Venerations," The Book, 15 January, reviews Paul Johnson's Churchill.

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