Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Jan 21, 2010

Thursday's Notes

James Sharpe,"Satan Rules," TLS, 20 January, reviews P. G. Maxwell-Stuart's Satan: A Biography.

Tristram Hunt reviews Jonathan Clark, ed., A World by Itself: A History of the British Isles for the Guardian, 17 January.

Norma Clarke,"Loving cousins in the English bourgeoisie," TLS, 20 January, reviews Adam Kuper's Incest and Influence: The private life of bourgeois England.

David Kaufmann,"A Skeptic's Skeptic," The Tablet, 20 January, reviews David Mikics's Who Was Jacques Derrida? An Intellectual Biography.

Finally, thanks to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who has renewed Tariq Ramadan's freedom to travel to and in the United States.

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