Blogs > Cliopatria > And Now We're Going to Rub It in Your Face

Jan 22, 2010

And Now We're Going to Rub It in Your Face

The University of California has announced $3.1 million in bonuses for executives at its public sector medical centers. The CEO of the UC Davis Medical Center will receive"a $167,986 payment on top of her base salary of $584,300."

Also announced: the promotion of a UC Berkeley vice-chancellor to a post at the system's central office, with a base salary of $375,000 a year. His job? To raise money for the university system. Because it's broke.

But hold on a second, because UC President Mark Yudof explained to the Board of Regents yesterday that the bonuses aren't what they are:"They're not bonuses, they are incentive pay to get certain behavior."

Because how could you expect the CEO of a university hospital to be motivated to show up and do her job if you expected her to struggle by on just her $584,300 salary?

Fire. Mark. Yudof. Now.

And then take a political hatchet to the Board of Regents, who have proven themselves unable to govern the universities that they allegedly oversee.

As Regent Eddie Island pathetically said yesterday,"We ought not to be faced with the decision of furloughing faculty…while we approve the payout of $33 million to employees, some of whom earn salaries above $600,000," Island said.

Ya think?


The CEO of the UCLA Medical Center will get"$218,728...on top of his $739,695 base salary"

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