Blogs > Cliopatria > There's Other Evidence...

Jan 25, 2010

There's Other Evidence...

...but it's just so totally old

Blaring headlines and silly stories announce a stunning new finding from the Gallup Poll: the first year of Barack Obama's presidency is the most polarizing ever.

In the always magnificently awful Huffington Post, for an almost too-easy example, Sam Stein says the poll shows that Obama has"the most polarized approval ratings ever recorded during a president's first year in office."

Gallup doesn't help, tagging their report on the poll with a subhead explaining that Obama's numbers are worse than for"any prior first-year president."

And how long have"approval ratings" been"recorded" by pollsters? Funny you ask -- the sample goes all the way Eisenhower.

So, yes: Barack Obama is the most polarizing president in all of American history, with one condition: you have to leave out most of American history.

You're off the hook, Honest Abe. John Adams? The Sedition Act is unrecorded by the Gallup Poll. Go in peace, dude. Well played.

Be very afraid: if Obama's poll numbers don't improve, we may be on a course for America's first ever civil war.

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More Comments:

William Adler - 1/26/2010

Great post, Chris -- funny how so many people care nothing for the past.

Jeff Vanke - 1/26/2010

I wonder if part of the polarization is a reduction in the % of voters self-identifying as Democrat?
(I haven't checked related Gallup polling to find out).