Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Jan 26, 2010

20th Century Notes

The University of Chicago Library's online exhibits feature historical subjects, including Darwin, Lincoln, and book, Jewish, and women's history."Integrating the Life of the Mind: African Americans at the University of Chicago, 1870-1940" is a fascinating one.

Jonathan Yardley reviews Christopher Browning's Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp for the Washington Post, 24 January.

Janet Maslin,"Exclusive!!! Gossip Has a History!" NYT, 24 January, reviews Henry E. Scott's Shocking True Story: The Rise and Fall of Confidential, ‘America's Most Scandalous Scandal Magazine'.

You've probably seen the"HNN special: Liberals Respond to Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism". A conservative, Michael Ledeen, responds to the book here; and the convener of the liberals' criticism, David Neiwert, prompts more extensive discussion at Neiwert,"Historians vs. Jonah Goldberg," Huffington Post, 25 January.

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