Blogs > Cliopatria > Premodern History Notes

Jan 28, 2010

Premodern History Notes

Caleb Crain,"Terms of Infringement," The National, 21 January, reviews Adrian Johns's Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates.

Peter Schjeldahl,"Then and Now," New Yorker, 1 February, reviews"The Drawings of Bronzino," an exhibit at Manhattan's Metropolitan Museum of Art. See also: Schjeldahl's"Man of Mannerism," a narrated slide show.

John Ferling,"Myths of the American Revolution," Smithsonian, January, takes on some common acceptances about the American Revolution.

Aaron Belz,"The Jerk," Books & Culture, January/February, reviews Robert Crawford's The Bard: Robert Burns, A Biography.

Sophia Lear,"Reader, I Made Him Up," The Book, 28 January, reviews Sheila Kohler's Becoming Jane Eyre.

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