Blogs > Cliopatria > Ferguson's Current Affair Goes Public

Feb 9, 2010

Ferguson's Current Affair Goes Public

In case you don't have the news,

Katie Nicholl, Miles Goslett, and Caroline Graham,"The history man and fatwa girl: How will David Cameron take news that think-tank guru Niall Ferguson has deserted wife Sue Douglas for Somali feminist?" Daily Mail, 7 February
Lawrence Auster,"Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds Admit Impediments," View from the Right, 7 February
Beth Hale,"The historian, his wife and a mistress living under a fatwa," Daily Mail, 8 February
Cahal Milmo and Luke Blackall,"'It's tricky to find men when you're living under a fatwa'," Independent, 8 February
"Fabulously Snobby Divorce Scandal of the Week: Niall Ferguson's Fatwa Mistress Two-Step," The Gawker, 8 February
Courtney Comstock,"Niall Ferguson Is Leaving His Wife For A Young Hot Feminist And Political War Refugee," Business Insider, 8 February
Jessica Pressler,"Niall Ferguson Leaves Wife for Somali Intellectual," New York Magazine, 8 February
Margaret Soltan,"‘In all the years I have known Ayaan, she's never had a boyfriend. She's gorgeous, but with a fatwa, it's tricky to find guys.'," University Diaries, 8 February, and
Doug Camilli,"The Descent of Family," Montreal Gazette, 9 February.

The story broke on Sunday in the Daily Mail, where Ms. Douglas was Ferguson's editor, when they first met in 1987. The DM quotes"another historian" to the effect that NF"has the kind of face you want to punch." He had eight affairs in the last five years?

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More Comments:

Jeff Vanke - 2/9/2010

I can see why the British press are focusing Ferguson's side from the British political perspective.

But in global-historical terms, Ferguson is a dot in the ocean next to Hirsi Ali. Her great mark as a former Muslim-world-insider turned critic is now corrupted by her personal life as exhibit A in immorality outside the fold, from the perspective of the umma. I endorse her freedom from any criminal or other persecution for her affair with a married man, but I find it sad that her compelling call to both moderating Muslims and western liberals is forever cracked.

Dave Stone - 2/9/2010

I'm not just shocked at eight affairs in the last five years, but that a English newspaper is willing to publish that, given the state of libel law across the Atlantic.