Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Feb 11, 2010

Thursday's Notes

Adam Kirsch,"The Pilgrim," Tablet, 9 February, reviews Hillel Halkin's new biography of Yehuda Halevi, medieval Judaism's great poet.

Lauro Martines,"Science, religion and plague," TLS, 10 February, reviews Samuel K. Cohn, Jr., Culture of Plague: Medical thinking at the end of the Renaissance.

Robert K. Landers,"Redcoats Coming, Nobody Home," WSJ, 29 January, reviews Michael Kranish's Flight from Monticello: Thomas Jefferson at War.

Dan Cohen calls attention to the National Park Service's developing interactive project, Virtual Fredericksburg.

Claire Harman,"The Belle of Amherst?" Literary Review, February, reviews Lyndall Gordon's Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family's Feuds.

Peter E. Gordon,"Helter Skelter, German Style," The Book, 9 February, reviews Hans Kundnani's Utopia or Auschwitz: Germany's 1968 Generation and the Holocaust.

Finally, farewell to the University of Oxford's American colonial and revolutionary era historian emeritus, J. R. Pole, and to American Civil War historian Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr..

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