Blogs > Cliopatria > Notes on Knitting Fiction

Feb 12, 2010

Notes on Knitting Fiction

Thomas H. Benton,"The Big Lie About the 'Life of the Mind'," CHE, 8 February, is prompting much discussion.

Jane Jakeman,"The tangled history of knitting," TLS, 10 February, reviews Giorgio Riello's and Prasannan Parthasarathi's The Spinning World: A global history of cotton textiles, 1200–1850 and Joanne Turney's The Culture of Knitting.

William Deresiewicz,"The Renunciation Artist: On Leo Tolstoy," The Nation, 11 February, reviews Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, trans.

Janet Maslin,"Mark Twain: A Public Image as Tailored as His Snow-White Suits," NYT, 10 February, reviews Michael Shelden's Mark Twain: Man in White, The Grand Adventure of His Final Years.

Owen Jaurus,"The Real Story of Nazi Egyptology," Heritage-Key, 09/01, features Thomas Schneider's study of German Egyptology during the Nazi era.

Patricia Cohen,"Faulkner Link to Plantation Diary Discovered," NYT, 10 February, features a major development in Faulkner studies. Emory's Sally Wolff-King is interviewed on NPR's"All Things Considered." I am surprised that UNC's Joel Williamson did not discover this 20 years ago, but he apparently did not have access to Edgar Wiggin Francisco, III.

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