Blogs > Liberty and Power > A Guest Blog at

Feb 16, 2010

A Guest Blog at

As part of my book-in-progress on libertarianism and the family, I've read several books on parenting and the contemporary family. My favorite may well be Lenore Skenazy's book Free Range Kids.  I sent her something of a fan letter that included a comment that her chapter titled"Don't Think Like a Lawyer" should have added"Do Think Like an Economist."  I explained why and she asked if I'd write it up as a guest blog.  That little essay has now appeared at her blog

More Comments:

Aeon J. Skoble - 2/19/2010

Steve, terrific post, but it made me wonder about a larger issue. What you and others have described as thinking like an economist - and I've spent enough time with you guys that I think I do - why does it seem that plenty of economists don't teach this stuff?