Blogs > Cliopatria > Baghdad Bob

Feb 19, 2010

Baghdad Bob

"Many economists take a much calmer view of budget deficits than anything you’ll see on TV. Nor do investors seem unduly concerned: U.S. government bonds continue to find ready buyers, even at historically low interest rates."

-- Paul Krugman, "Fiscal Scare Tactics," NYT, Feb. 4, 2010

"Until recently, China has been the largest foreign official holder of US debt. That is why the latest release of Treasury International Capital (Tic) data, showing that China’s holdings of Treasuries fell by a record amount in December, has caused something of a stir. China’s holdings fell by $34.2bn to $755.4bn from the previous month, prompting renewed jitters that the country was diversifying from Treasuries over fears about their future value. China’s holdings have fallen from a peak of $801.5bn in May 2009."

-- The Financial Times, today.

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