Blogs > Cliopatria > Mid-Week Notes

Mar 11, 2010

Mid-Week Notes

Rob MacDougall,"Playful Historical Thinking," Old is the New New, 8 March, MacDougall,"Survival of the Funnest," Old is the New New, 9 March, and MacDougall,"A Demonstration," Old is the New New, 10 March, summon us to come out and play.

Paul Lay previews"Paul Sandby RA: Picturing Britain, A Bicentenary Exhibition," an exhibit in the Sackler Wing of London's Royal Academy of Arts, for History Today, 9 March. See also: Mary Beard, 10 March.

Adam Kirsch,"Orthodox Liberal," Tablet, 9 March, reviews Abigail Green's Moses Montefiore: Jewish Liberator, Imperial Hero.

Joanna Bourke reviews Bernhard Schlink's Guilt about the Past for the London Times, 27 February.

Finally, farewell to a distinguished classicist, Sir Kenneth Dover.

Here, Bob Dylan casts a skeptical eye at Sir Kenneth.* There is no known evidence, however, that Dover was chuckling at the memory of Trevor Aston's suicide. Hat tip.
*Am I wrong or does this picture look like a still from the new"Alice in Wonderland" flick?

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