Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Mar 12, 2010

Friday's Notes

Timothy Garton Ash,"Bearing witness is a sacred trust," Guardian, 10 March, reflects on Artur Domoslawsk's revelations in Kapuscinski Non-Fiction.

Scott Saul,"A Body on the Gears: On Mario Savio," Nation, 11 March, Robert Cohen's Freedom's Orator: Mario Savio and the Radical Legacy of the 1960s.

Sara Mosle,"Facing Up to Our Ignorance," Slate, 11 March, reviews Diane Ravitch's The Death and Life of the Great American School System.

For Women's History Month, Tenured Radical recommends a few good women's history blogs by female historians. Cliopatria's History Blogroll lists more than two dozen Women's History Blogs by female historians.

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