Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted Things

Mar 18, 2010

Additionally Noted Things

Four Stone Hearth #88, the anthropology/archaeology carnival, is up at ad hominim; and The Giant's Shoulders #21, the history of science festival, is up at PACHSmörgåsbord.

Congratulations to the winners of the Bancroft Prize who were announced yesterday. They are: Linda Gordon for Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits, Woody Holton for Abigail Adams, and Margaret D. Jacobs for White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940.

Alexander Nazaryan,"German Phobia," The Book, 18 March, reviews Simon Winder's Germania: In Wayward Pursuit of the Germans and Their History.

Frances Wilson,"Savagely Wed," bookforum, February/March, reviews Chloe Schama's Wild Romance: A Victorian Story of a Marriage, a Trial, and a Self-Made Woman.

Dennis Drabelle reviews Jerome Loving's Mark Twain: The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens, Roy Morris, Jr.'s Lighting Out for the Territory: How Samuel Clemens Headed West and Became Mark Twain, Michael Sheldon's Mark Twain: Man in White, The Grand Adventure of His Final Years, and Laura Skandera Trombley's Mark Twain's Other Woman: The Hidden Story of His Final Years for the Washington Post, 14 March.

Chloe Schama,"Ad Absurdum," The Book, 16 March, reviews Dwight Garner's Read Me: A Century of Classic American Book Advertisements.

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