Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Mar 19, 2010

20th Century Notes

Congratulations to the Newberry Library's Jim Grossman, whose appointment as Executive Director of the American Historical Association was announced yesterday. Jim will succeed Arnita Jones in August.

Molly Springfield,"Inside the Mundaneum," TripleCanopy, #8, takes another look at Paul Otlet's proto-internet, the Mundaneum.

Jonathan Yardley for the Washington Post, 14 March, and Dwight Garner,"Married to Their Colorful Histories," NYT, 18 March, review Marion Meade's Lonelyhearts: The Screwball World of Nathanael West and Eileen McKenney.

Benjamin Schwarz,"Intimate History," Atlantic, April, reviews David Kynaston's Family Britain, 1951-1957, the second in his Tales of a New Jerusalem, a multi-volume history of the British people from 1945-1979, and Terence Davies's documentary film,"Of Time and the City."

Todd Gitlin,"The Age of Tackiness," The Book, 17 March, reviews Francis Wheen's Strange Days Indeed: The 1970s: The Golden Age of Paranoia.

Tony Judt and Kristina Božic',"The Way Things Are and How They Might Be," LRB, 25 March, is a wide-ranging interview.

In"Pakistan's new paranoia," The National, 11 March, our former colleague, Manan Ahmed, examines an emergent narrative in Pakistan's mass media.

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