Blogs > Cliopatria > More Modern Notes

Mar 25, 2010

More Modern Notes

Ted Widmer,"How Haiti Saved America," Boston Globe, 21 March, comments on the changed relationship between the two western republics.

Tom Carson for the Barnes & Noble Review, 24 March, and Noah Isenberg,"Teuts Uncommon," bookforum, April/May, review Simon Winder's Germania: In Wayward Pursuit of the Germans and Their History. Carson leaves no scrap of the book intact.

Dwight Garner,"As War Loomed, 3 Leaders Wandered Lost," NYT, 23 March, and Peter Clarke,"Family Emergency," The Book, 24 March, review Miranda Carter's George, Nicholas, and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I.

Jill Lepore,"Fixed," New Yorker, 29 March, reviews Laurie Abraham's The Husband and Wives Club: A Year in the Life of a Couples Therapy Group and Rebecca L. Davis's More Perfect Unions: The American Search for Marital Bliss. See also: Lauren Winner's"Booknotes," Books & Culture, 24 March.

Ian Jack,"Five Boys: The Story of a Picture," Intelligent Life, Spring, discusses a 1937 photograph that captured English social class.

Wendell Steavenson reviews Rachel Polonsky's Molotov's Magic Lantern: A Journey in Russian History for the TLS, 21 March.

Richard Pells,"The Peculiar Generation," CHE, 21 March, has some suggestions about those of us born between the"greatest generation" and the"boomers."

Oliver Kamm reviews Tony Judt's Ill Fares the Land: A Treatise on Our Present Discontents for the TLS, 20 March.

A. Roger Ekirch,"Violence in the Land of Sleep," NYT, 23 March, draws on his experience of it and research for At Day's Close: Night in Times Past to discuss"sleep violence."

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