Blogs > Cliopatria > Jeb Bush: Scumbag

Jun 18, 2005

Jeb Bush: Scumbag

So let me get this straight: The Schiavo case comes to a merciful end. Then, weeks later, after the autopsy results are announced, it is made quite clear that there was no way for her to have ever awoken from that coma. She was dead. Now Jeb Bush wants to launch an investigation to “clear up discrepancies” in Michael Schiavo’s testimony about the precise time lag between when he found his wife and when he called 911 on what must have been the worst year of Schiavo’s life fifteen years ago? Wow.

An editorial in today’s New York Times understates substantially when it calls this situation “heartbreaking.” It is far worse than that. “Loathsome” springs to mind. What kind of Governor, what kind of person, takes vengeance for a political defeat on someone who has gone through what Mr. Schiavo has?

Jeb Bush is a scumbag. There. I said it.

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