Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Apr 13, 2010

More Noted Things

  • The Giant's Shoulders #22, the history of science festival, will go up at The Lay Scientist on 15 April. Use the form to nominate the best in history of science blogging since mid-March.
  • Military History Carnival #23 goes up at The Edge of the American West on 17 April. Send nominations of the best in military history blogging since mid-March to hwar*at* comcast*dot*net by 15 April.
  • Carnivalesque LXI, an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, goes up at Gill Polack's Even in a little thing on 24 April. Use the form to nominate the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 21 February.
  • Pulitzer Prize congratulations to: Liaquat Ahamed for Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World in history, T.J. Stiles for The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt in biography, and David E. Hoffman for The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy in general nonfiction.

    Jill Lepore,"Untimely," New Yorker, 19 April, reviews Alan Brinkley's The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Century.

    Robert Boyers,"Impudence," The Book, 12 April, reviews Karen Lauer and Kristian Wachinger, eds., "Dearest Georg": Love, Literature and Power in Dark Times: The Letters of Elias, Veza, and Georges Canetti, 1933-1948.

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