Blogs > Cliopatria > The Peasants Do Tend Toward Ignorance, Do They Not?

Apr 23, 2010

The Peasants Do Tend Toward Ignorance, Do They Not?

Confronted recently by constituents who wanted to know the legal source of the congressional authority to require Americans to buy health insurance from private corporations, Rep. Phil Hare first tried to shrug off the question with a discussion about how he feels when he looks at a sick child. Pushed to point to the language in the Constitution that grants Congress the authority they needed to pass the health care reform bill, though, Hare finally offered an answer: the Constitution grants that authority to Congress in its mandate to provide for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ("I'm not a lawyer," he added."I'm a dreamer.")

Hare's ignorance of political and historical fundamentals is the norm for politicians. In its reports on civic literacy, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute notes that elected officials routinely demonstrate less knowledge of basic events and ideas than ordinary people. And that problem is spread still more broadly among the elites of the political class. Can you attain an important position in the White House without having ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Reader, you can.

Something to consider while you read this self-parodying lament about the historical ignorance of the Tea Party Movement.

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More Comments:

Chris Bray - 4/23/2010

The ISI distributes surveys -- multiple-choice tests of civic knowledge. I have my own doubts about the value of their tests, but elected officials consistently score lower than ordinary people.

Tim Lacy - 4/23/2010

I'm not sure that ISI reports are the best indicator of politicians' "ignorance of political and historical fundamentals." What of deliberate simplicity? Could it not be the case that some (not all) politicians (e.g. G.W. Bush, and even Clinton at times) limit the complexity of their knowledge in order to appeal to baser emotions? In other words, some anti-intellectualism is calculated---especially among play-to-the-crowd politicians. Also, the pressure of public gotcha! moments likely also plays a role in the apparently ignorant answers of politicians. - TL