Blogs > Cliopatria > Notes Ancient & Modern

Apr 25, 2010

Notes Ancient & Modern

Bruce Feiler,"The Cult of Tut," Daily Beast, 22 April, reviews the show as it opens in Manhattan, 30 years after a Tut exhibit first opened there. Don't miss the Media Gallery's slide show.

Daniel Metcalf reviews Richard Miles's Carthage Must be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization and the Guardian, 24 April.

Rachel Cooke reviews Daisy Hay's Young Romantics: The Shelleys, Byron and Other Tangled Lives for the Guardian, 25 April.

David Marquand,"Three's a crowd: How the unexpected rise of a third contender broke the cosy two-party system," Independent, 23 April, looks back to the 1920s, when Britain's national election was last a three-way contest.

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