Blogs > Cliopatria > Excluding Indians Not Taxed, and Three Fifths of All Other Persons

May 2, 2010

Excluding Indians Not Taxed, and Three Fifths of All Other Persons

Wendy Kaminer on Tea Parties past and present, April 30:

"Freedom fighters don’t just fight for their own rights, much less their own privileges, prerogatives, or entitlements. They fight for the rights of others. The Founding Fathers, whom right-wing protesters regularly invoke, did not interpret ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ to mean ‘Do Tread on Them’. Instead they enshrined respect for everyone’s rights in the Constitution, establishing a limited, tripartite system of government, led by a president and not a monarch – a system of government that counter-terrorism laws and policies vesting unaccountable power in the executive are effectively dismantling, with Tea-Partiers tacit support, at least."

Pretty good essay, pretty bad history.

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More Comments:

Chris Bray - 5/3/2010

You've got to tell that student to be careful, 'cause that sort of hand with facts leads directly to a job as a newspaper columnist.

Jonathan Dresner - 5/2/2010

I just graded an essay that insisted repeatedly that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were promulgated in 1776....