Blogs > Cliopatria > A Gulag By Any Other Name . . .

Jun 23, 2005

A Gulag By Any Other Name . . .

OK, let's test the hypocricy guage: Paul Jacob, a Senior Fellow at a member group, Americans for Limited Government, and regular on talk radio, has written a piece (dated June 19, 2005) about Canadian healthcare in which the words “communism,” “Gulag,” and “totalitarian” feature prominently. “Gulag” even appears in the headline, so obviously this is more than just the sin of Jacobs, given that editors obviously ok’ed and more than likely titled this. And there is no doubt as to meaning here – unlike Durbin’s comments, about which reasonable people (and even unreasonable ones) have had honest disagreements. There is no gray area in this case. I trust that Townhall and its member affiliates will act accordingly. Oh, wait, no I don’t. (Mouseclick to Andrew Sullivan, who in turn credits Micheal Demmons, who in turn credits henry . . .)

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