Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

May 8, 2010

Weak Endnotes

Richard Overy,"The Historical Present," THE, 29 April, finds academic history in Great Britain caught between"the heritage industry" and political pressure to make history"socially useful." Overy summons us to stand and fight. Hattip

James Mcconnachie reviews Matthew Dennison's Empress of Rome: The Life of Livia for London's Sunday Times, 9 May.

Timothy Burke,"Africans and the Slave Trade," Easily Distracted, 7 May, takes up the discussion of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,"Ending the Slavery Blame-Game," NYT, 22 April.

Sarah Bakewell reviews Anthony Sattin's A Winter on the Nile: Florence Nightingale, Gustave Flaubert and the Temptations of Egypt for London's Sunday Times, 9 May.

Jerry Saltz,"The Picassos From the Basement," New York Magazine, 30 April, reviews"Picasso in the Metropolitan Museum of Art," an exhibit in New York City.

Giles Harvey,"The Two Raymond Carvers," NYRB, 27 May, reviews Carol Sklenicka's Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life and Raymond Carver's Collected Stories, edited and with notes by William L. Stull and Maureen P. Carroll.

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