Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

May 13, 2010

Thursday's Notes

David Walsh's"Michael Bellesiles is Back with a New Book," HNN, 11 May, generates little interest in HNN's mainpage, but the news has considerably more notice and discussion at The Volokh Conspiracy. See: Eugene Volokh,"A New Book Coming Soon from Michael Bellesiles," VC, 11 May, and Jim Lindgren,"Michael Bellesiles and the Bogus NRA Conspiracy," VC, 12 May.

Ken Johnson,"At the Met, Portraits of Grief, Written in Stone," NYT, 12 May, reviews"The Mourners: Medieval Tomb Sculptures From the Court of Burgundy," an exhibit at New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Molly Worthen,"Past Imperfect," The Book, 13 May, reviews Claude S. Fischer's Made in America: A Social History of American Culture and Character.

Jonathan Yardley reviews Wendy Moffatt's A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of E. M. Forster for the Washington Post, 9 May.

Eric Griffiths,"What went wrong for T. S. Eliot?" TLS, 12 May, reviews Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton, eds., The Letters of T. S. Eliot, Volume I, 1898-1922, and Volume II, 1923-1925.

Hubert Wolf,"Why Did the Pope Keep Quiet About Hitler?" Foreign Policy, 6 May, is an excerpt from Wolf's Pope and Devil: the Vatican's Archives and the Third Reich, translated by Kenneth Kronenberg.

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