Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

May 15, 2010

Weak Endnotes

David Womersley,"Trevor-Roper and Gibbon: A Tale of Two Historians," StandPoint, May, explores the influence of Gibbon's example on Trevor-Roper's work as an historian.

Simon Heffer,"The undiluted joys of a literary genius," Telegraph, 8 May, reviews Peter Davison, ed., Orwell: a Life in Letters.

NYU's Jonathan Zimmerman sees Arizona repeating past mistakes in"Putting the accent on bigotry," AJC, 13 May.

Graeme Wood for the Barnes & Noble Review, 7 May, Claire Martin for the Daily Beast, 12 May, and Dexter Filkins,"‘Nothing to Do but Kill and Wait'," NYT, 16 May, review Sebastian Junger's War.

Our former colleague, Taylor Owen, offers"Five reasons David Cameron's coalition government is not a harbinger for Canada," Globe and Mail, 14 May. Hat tip.

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