Blogs > Cliopatria > Contemporary Historical Notes

Jun 3, 2010

Contemporary Historical Notes

Charles Murray,"Who is Ayn Rand?" Clarement Review of Books, Spring, reviews Jennifer Burns's Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right and Anne C. Heller's Ayn Rand and the World She Made.

Adam Kirsch,"Muscular Movement," The Tablet, 1 June, reviews Justin Vaïsse's Neoconservatism: The Biography of a Movement.

Robert P. Baird,"The U.S. Paid Money to Support Hugo Banzer's 1971 Coup in Bolivia," Digital Emunction, 30 May, probes the latest release of State Department documents. Hat tip.

Charlotte Higgins,"Rightwing historian Niall Ferguson given school curriculum role," Guardian, 30 May, looks at a role for Ferguson, who's taken a leave of absence from Harvard.

Raffi Khatchadourian,"No Secrets," New Yorker, 7 June, reports on the person behind Wikileaks.

Pankaj Mishra,"Islamismism," New Yorker, 7 June, reviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Nomad: From Islam to America and Paul Berman's The Flight of the Intellectuals. Debate: Andrew F. March,"The Flight of the Intellectuals and Tariq Ramadan," Dissent, 25 May; and Paul Berman,"Response to Andrew F. March," Dissent, 26 May.

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