Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Jun 7, 2010

Things Noted Here & There

  • Renee Tyree at Wig-Wags is your host for May's Military History Carnival.
  • Ann Little is your host at the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians at Mt. Holyoke.
  • Claire Potter is your host at the Policy History Conference in Columbus, Ohio: Day One, Day Two, Day Three.
  • Randall Stephens is your host at The Historical Society Conference in Washington, DC: Day One, Day Two, Day Three.
  • "Nasty, brutish and short," Economist, 27 May, reviews Sigurdur Gylfi Magnusson's Wasteland With Words: A Social History of Iceland.

    Benjamin Markovits,"Literary giants on the playing fields of America," Guardian, 6 June, draws on his new book, Playing Days, to argue that"when American novelists want to say something serious about their country, their thoughts turn to sports."

    Michiko Kakutani,"Last Stand? Yes. Last Word? Never.," NYT, 3 June, and Brian Hall,"Nathaniel Philbrick breathes new life into the hoary tale of Custer's Last Stand," Washington Post, 6 June, review Nathaniel Philbrick's The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

    Hendrik Hertzberg,"Elena Kagan's Not-So-Final Conflict," New Yorker, 4 June, joins Ronald Radosh, and David Greenberg and Tony Michels in bi-partisan praise of Kagan's senior thesis at Princeton:"To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933."

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