Blogs > Cliopatria > Independence Day Notes

Jul 4, 2010

Independence Day Notes

"Library of Congress reveals slip made by Jefferson in draft of Declaration," AP, 3 July, announces a new discovery of a correction of language in Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence.

T. H. Breen,"The Secret Founding Fathers," Daily Beast, 3 July, summarizes the argument in his new book, American Insurgents, American Patriots: The Revolution of the People.

Ann Little,"Stars and Stripes Forever," Historiann, 3 July, and Ruth Graham,"Sew Tough," Slate, 4 July, review Marla Miller's Betsy Ross and the Making of America.

Andrew Cayton,"To Save the Union," NYT, 4 July, reviews Robert V. Remini's At the Edge of the Precipice: Henry Clay and the Compromise That Saved the Union and David S. Heidler's and Jeanne T. Heidler's Henry Clay: The Essential American.

Stefany Anne Golberg,"Battle Scars," Smart Set, nd, and John Heiser,"The Great Reunion of 1913," Voices of Battle, 1998, recall the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, when over 50,000 Union and Confederate veterans gathered to remember it.

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