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Aug 1, 2010

Sunday's Notes

Biblical Studies Carnival LIII is up at Jim West's Zwinglius Redivivus; and History Carnival XC is up at USHistoryBlog.

Had you noticed? Building a castlein France. Building a castlein Arkansas.

Andrea Wulf,"Colonials Abroad," NYT, 30 July, reviews Julie Flavell's When London was Capital of America.

Christopher Benfey,"Explosive Inheritance," NYT, 30 July, reviews Lyndall Gordon's Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family's Feuds.

Liaquat Ahamed,"Yesterday's Banker," NYT, 30 July, reviews Niall Ferguson's High Financier: The Lives and Time of Siegmund Warburg.

Sean Lee,"A War of Words," The National, 29 July, reviews Gilbert Achcar's The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives.

Damon Linker,"Turning Right," NYT, 30 July, reviews Benjamin Balint's Running Commentary: The Contentious Magazine That Transformed the Jewish Left Into the Neoconservative Right and Thomas L. Jeffers's Norman Podhoretz: A Biography.

Finally, farewell to Robert C. Tucker, a distinguished Sovietologist.

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