Blogs > Cliopatria > Midweek Notes

Aug 5, 2010

Midweek Notes

Tom Bartlett,"Michael Bellesiles Takes Another Shot," CHE, 3 August; and Patricia Cohen,"Scholar Emerges From Doghouse," NYT, 3 August, update the story on Michael.

Scott Jaschik,"A Medieval War – Over Arizona," IHE, 4 August, looks at the Medieval Academy of America's decision to hold its April meeting in Arizona. The folks at the Cliopatria Prize winning blog, In the Middle, had led the opposition.

Simon Schama,"The Language of Food," Financial Times, 31 July, is excerpted from his new book, Scribble, Scribble, Scribble, Writings on Ice Cream, Obama, Churchill and My Mother. Steven Shavin,"Down to the Last Cream Puff," LRB, 5 August, reviews Michael Steinberger's Au Revoir to All That: The Rise and Fall of French Cuisine.

Stan Katz,"Get Right with History," Brainstorm, 3 August, is critical of Left and Right claims on the"Founding Fathers".

John Dupré reviews Jerry Fodor's and Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini's What Darwin Got Wrong for The Philosopher's Magazine, 23 July.

John Gray,"The God That Failed," Literary Review, August, reviews David Caute's Politics and the Novel During the Cold War.

Queen's Brian May is best known as a musician, of course, but he's earned a doctorate in astrophysics, is currently the Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University, and laying claims as a historian. He's co-authored Bang! The Complete History of the Universe and, more recently, A Village Lost and Found: Scenes in Our Village, a book of T. W. Williams's stereographic pictures of 19th century Oxfordshire.

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