Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of August 9, 2010

Aug 11, 2010

Week of August 9, 2010

Fouad Ajami

Not long ago Barack Obama, for those who were spellbound by him, had the stylishness of JFK and the historic mission of FDR riding to the nation's rescue. Now it is to Lyndon B. Johnson's unhappy presidency that Democratic strategist Robert Shrum compares the stewardship of Mr. Obama. Johnson, wrote Mr. Shrum in the Week magazine last month, never"sustained an emotional link with the American people" and chose to escalate a war that"forced his abdication as president."

Kennedy Odede

Slum tourism has a long history — during the late 1800s, lines of wealthy New Yorkers snaked along the Bowery and through the Lower East Side to see “how the other half lives.”

But with urban populations in the developing world expanding rapidly, the opportunity and demand to observe poverty firsthand have never been greater.

James Fallows

Lifetime tenure for Supreme Court Justices is another of the ideas from 200-plus years ago that might well be adjusted if Madison, Adams, et al had a chance to re-do the Constitution in light of current circumstances. It is inconceivable that people as practical-minded as they would have come up with today's"two Senators for each state" model, California and Wyoming alike, which contributes to the paralysis of the Senate.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

I've reached the point where I'd abolish the Senate if I could. It is more profoundly undemocratic than it was when the Founders created it and less genuinely deliberative -- problems compounded by a Republican minority's strategy of delay and obstruction.

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