Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 10, 2010

More Noted Things

Carl Pyrdum's"Professor Newt's Distorted History Lesson," Got Medieval, 2 August, has already been cited by both Crooked Timber and The Edge of the American West. In case you missed it there, check it out.

Edward Wong,"China Seizes on a Dark Chapter for Tibet," NYT/IHT, 9 August, argues that the Chinese government finds an important role for the British invasion of Tibet in 1904.

"Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943," Plog, 26 July, was featured at our last History Carnival and has since been making the rounds on the net. The photographs are extra-ordinary.

Andrew Salmon,"The Lingering War," The Book, 9 August, reviews Bruce Cumings's The Korean War: A History.

Amy Davidson,"A Beer with the General," New Yorker, 6 August, features an interview with General John Lavelle, who took a fall for Richard Nixon in 1972. Lavelle asks:"When was the last time a four-star general was court-martialed?""‘Good question,' says Davidson. (Any historians have an answer?)"

Jonathan Mirsky,"After the Flood," Literary Review, August, reviews Emma Larkin's Everything is Broken: The Untold Story of Disaster Under Burma's Military Regime.

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