Blogs > Cliopatria > Sunday's Notes

Aug 16, 2010

Sunday's Notes

Christopher Hawtree for the Independent, 25 June, and Robert Pinsky,"Start the Presses," NYT, 13 August, review Andrew Pettegree's The Book in the Renaissance.

Peter Coclanis,"Literature of the Heart," Books & Culture, July/August, recalls the most unusual commemoration of Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto, Czech composer-pianist Erwin Schulhoff's oratorio, Das Manifest.

John Lehman reviews William Leeman's The Long Road to Annapolis: The Founding of the Naval Academy and the Emerging American Republic for the Washington Post, 8 August.

Johann Hari,"The Two Churchills," NYT, 12 August, and Richard Shribman,"Churchill in focus," Boston Globe, 15 August, review Richard Toye's Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made. See also:"Stray Questions for Richard Toye," Paper Cuts, 13 August; and Richard Toye's Blog.

Finally, it's good to see that Sarah Werner has returned to her Cliopatria Award-winning blog, Wynken de Worde; and, though I'm late to the party, congratulations to Lucy Inglis and her Cliopatria Award-winning blog, Georgian London. Penguin will publish her Georgian London, the book, in the Spring of 2012.

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