Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 17, 2010

More Noted Things

Iain McLean reviews Nicholas Phillipson's Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life for the Financial Times, 2 August.

Ian Rankin, who has written the introduction to a new edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, tells us what we hadn't understood about the novel until now.

Sean Wilentz,"Penetrating Aether: The Beat Generation and Allen Ginsberg's America," New Yorker, 16 August, is an excerpt from Wilentz's new book, Bob Dylan in America, which will be published in September. The New Yorker's Alex Ross interviews Wilentz about Dylan.

The two of us:
Claire Potter,"I Will Go Voluntarily at 67," NYT, 15 August; and
K. C. Johnson,"The Value of the Longtime Professor, NYT, 15 August.

Thomas Sugrue,"School Daze," TNC@Atlantic, 16 August, argues that American public schools are still separate and still unequal.

Finally, farewell to Basil Davidson, a distinguished Africanist, and to Bernard Knox, a distinguished classicist.

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