Jul 10, 2005
History Carnival

Email your nominations for recently published posts (since about 1 July) about history, which can be your own writing or that of other bloggers, to the host, Caleb McDaniel - calebmcd[at]gmail[dot]com - by the evening of Bastille Day.
You should include in your email: the title and permalink URL of the blog post you wish to nominate and the author's name (or pseudonym) and the title of the blog. (I also recommend that you put"History Carnival" somewhere in the title of the email so that it can be easily picked out amidst all the spam and other stuff that tends to clog up our mailboxes.) You can submit multiple suggestions, both your own writing and that of others, but please try not to submit more than one post by any individual author for each Carnival (with the exception of multi-part posts on the same topic).
If you have any questions about the criteria for inclusion, check out the Carnival homepage (link above) for more details. But remember that the posts should contain original writing and analysis, not just pasted quotes or links (although they do not have to be heavyweight scholarship!); they should be primarily historical, even if they refer to current affairs; and they should make accurate and fair use of historical sources.