Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Aug 20, 2010

Friday's Notes

David McNair,"Tale of Woe: The death of the VQR's Kevin Morrissey, The Hook, 18 August, has more details about the tragedy at the Virginia Quarterly Review. Brendan Fitzgerald,"Sullivan on VQR: UVA will conduct management review of literary journal," C-Ville, 19 August, has a statement by UVa's new president, Teresa Sullivan.

Diane Coyle reviews Nicholas Phillipson's Adam Smith: an Enlightened Life for the New Statesman, 16 August.

Donald R. Prothero,"A Cornucopia of Darwinian Gems," eSkeptic, 18 August, reviews Richard Milner's Darwin's Universe: Evolution from A to Z.

Jed Perl,"The Picture: So Bad," TNR, 18 August, relieves me of any felt obligation to see"Salvador Dalí: The Late Work," an exhibit at Atlanta's High Museum.

Robert Darnton,"Talking About Brazil with Lilia Schwarcz," NYRBlog, 17 August, interviews one of Brazil's leading anthropologists and historians.

Adam Kirsch,"Unsettling," Tablet, 17 August, reviews Gadi Taub's The Settlers on the future of Israeli settlements on the West Bank.

Finally, farewell to Sir Frank Kermode, England's foremost literary critic.

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