Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 24, 2010

More Noted Things

Patricia Cohen,"Scholars Test Web Alternative to Peer Review," NYT, 23 August, glimpses the future in scholarly publishing.

Among Cliopatria's alums,

  • Manan Ahmed has posted"Law and Order in 17th Century Mughal Sindh" and"Syed Ahmed Khan and Urdu" Chapati Mystery, 21 and 20 August.
  • Sharon Howard has added London Lives, 1690-1800 to The Proceedings of the Old Bailey ..., 1674-1913.
  • Rob MacDougall and Caleb McDaniel have become the history blogosphere's most accomplished practitioners of"slow blogging". But who's complaining? Rob was last seen at the Old is the New New thinking about an upgrade to WordPress 3.0; and Caleb has recently activated a new blog, Offprints, with"In Search of John Brown's Timbucto, Part I," 11 August.
  • Geoffrey Wheatcroft reviews Jonathan Schneer's The Balfour Declaration: the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Richard J. Evans reviews Adrian Weale's The SS: a New History for the New Statesman, 23 August.

    Adam Gopnik,"Finest Hours: The Making of Winston Churchill," New Yorker, 30 August, reviews Max Hastings's Winston's War: Churchill, 1940-1945, Richard Holmes's Churchill's Bunker: The Cabinet War Rooms and the Culture of Secrecy in Wartime London, Paul Johnson's Churchill, and Richard Langworth, ed., Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations.

    Finally, farewell to SMU's David Weber, a historian of the American West and Borderlands and an officer of the AHA.

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