Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Aug 28, 2010

Weak Endnotes

Dave McNair,"Genoways takes charge, VQR staffers pull names," The Hook, 24-26 August, reports, in a bit of a surprise, that Ted Genoways has the support of University authorities and that, except for the daughter of a major financial contributor, all other VQR staff members have withdrawn. Tom Bissell,"From Tragedy to Trend Story: In Defense of Virginia Quarterly Review Editor Ted Genoways," New York Observer, 24 August, explains the devotion of writers for the VQR, if not its staff members, to Genoways.

A. W. Purdue reviews Adrian Smith's Mountbatten: Apprentice War Lord 1900-1943 for the THE, 26 August.

Oralandar Brand-Williams,"Rare collection of Nation of Islam papers discovered," Detroit News, 26 August, reports an extraordinary find of early Black Muslim documents.

David Thomson,"Chinamen," TNR, 27 August, reviews Yunte Huang's Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and his Rendezvous with American History.

Robert Messenger,"Contemplating Death From Above," WSJ, 27 August, reviews Daniel Swift's Bomber Country. If trench warfare caught the poets' imagination in World War I, aerial bombing captured it in World War II.

R. Scott Appleby and John T. McGreevy,"Catholics, Muslims, and the Mosque Controversy," NYR Blog, draws on the historical experience of American Catholics to urge American Muslims to make a forceful assertion of their constitutional rights.

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